Which book are you reading today? If you think that you can “tell a book by its cover”, I’m here to challenge you to think again. Right now, the pervasive theme in our social dealings with each other can pretty well be summed up with: What box (socio-economic niche) do I and the people I … “You’re not excluded”
What are we all whining about?
Oh, how easy it is to look at others and to rule them out because they’re different than we are. Different skin color, different sexual orientation, different religion different clothes…. The common wisdom seems to be that different isn’t good. Worse is the trap we fall into when we look at ourselves and rule ourselves … “What are we all whining about?”
Help for Self-Managed Condominium Associations
Challenges of Self Managing a Condominium Association Serving on the Board of Directors for a Condominium Association is not a job to be taken lightly. Overseeing the day-to-day operations of keeping the association running smoothly and making sure that the property is well maintained is a full-time job. Yes, property managers can help. But responsibility … “Help for Self-Managed Condominium Associations”
When Corporations Cut Corners
The economy has, I swear, addled the brains business people. It's gotten so bad that it's going to take something short of an act of God to turn us around, I'm afraid. Ok, enough of the editorializing. I've been watching a disturbing trend in business and a precipitous slide in the quality of our very … “When Corporations Cut Corners”
Everyone’s A Writer Online
Can you write? You bet'cha. You write all the time – especially now that you're online. All those emails and comments on forums have brought us to a new level of literacy. Even the youngest among us have a pretty good handle on how to put a computer keyboard to good use. Hmm, I wonder … “Everyone’s A Writer Online”