Times are tough all over…according to some. Driving the four blocks from my home to a local restaurant to meet a friend, I noted three store fronts had sprouted new "Out of Business" signs. They seemed so out of place surrounded by what appeared to be thriving businesses and heavy foot and vehicular traffic. Along … “Start With Perspective”
You Go, Purina!
Rarely do I feel compelled to endorse other people or companies. And I've become very selective about who I am willing to network with. These are topics for another day. But today, I made a discovery that compels me to stand up and do one of those victory dances you see on TV football or … “You Go, Purina!”
I’m still here!
It's my birthday! I'm still alive and kicking… Not likely go to anywhere soon. That's right,. I'm celebrating on May 22. "Another day older – and deeper in debt…" as the song goes. From time to time I google my name trying to get a sense of where I stand in this virtual world. I … “I’m still here!”
Earth’s Health is Wholistic
This is going to be a particularly difficult year for our southern neighbors. The floods in Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee coupled with the oil spill in the Gulf are almost more than anyone who loves nature can bear. And this isn't the end, all too soon, the annual spate of hurricanes that invariably hit the … “Earth’s Health is Wholistic”
Buyer Beware
There’s a scam for every occasion. You don’t need to be shopping for pie in the sky. You don’t need to be looking for a get rich scheme to find yourself face-to-face up against a con artist. Yes, it is OK to take risks as long as you know what the ground rules are and … “Buyer Beware”