The Diary of Anne Frank is a perfect example of the kinds of information anyone who wants to leave a meaningful legacy should consider. Annn's diary is a poignant story without a shred of marketing or effort to impress the reader. . Anne wrote, "It seems to me that later on neither I nor anyone … “How to Write…for Yourself and Inspire Others”
A Condominium’s Garden Adventure
Those who believe they can do something are probably right — and so are those who believe they can't. – Unknown I was talking to a neighbor the other day, and was temporarily caught up short. We live in a condominium The condominium is one of those rare ones that are lucky enough to sit … “A Condominium’s Garden Adventure”
An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Alvin Toffler heralded a culture shift that was already beginning in the 1950s – a move to what he called the 3rd Wave. He told of a way of life that would no longer be predicated on the industrialization. He spoke of a world where mass marketing, mass control, standardization, centralization, concentration, and synchronization would … “An Idea Whose Time Has Come”
Shopping Is A Game That Keeps On Changing
Shopping is a game. Buyers who win pay attention to the details.
Shopping is a game. Buyers who win pay attention to the details.
Gallup NM
Gallup was where my children were born. I came there almost by accident…had just gotten married and we decided to start a new MatCo Tool distributorship, then I launched my Real Estate career and earned the distinction of being the first woman to break that market.. It was an excellent place, nestled right in the … “Gallup NM”