Looking for relief?

You can’t always control the outcome. But you still can do something productive to handle stresses and frustrations.

Everyone has their own methods for getting past stress and frustration. The only method that doesn’t work is playing ostrich, putting your head in the sand and pretending that the problems don’t exist. You can’t keep on keepin’ on, using the same old tactics, and expect that the end result will be any different than it has been.

If you’re unhappy with the current state of affairs, take a little time off to evaluate what EXACTLY you’re unhappy about and what you want to be different. It’s ok if you don’t see an immediate solution but it is important to dig very deep to get past the symptoms and identify the root of your dissatisfaction.

A downward spiral is tough to break. Things do get out of control from time to time. When nothing else seems to help, why continue to beat your head against the proverbial wall? Get away and tend to a garden, play with a child, pet your cat, take a walk. Do something – anything – different and make sure that it’s the most productive thing you can do at this immediate moment.

Frequently, when you go back, you’ll find the issues resolved themelves. Yes, it’s true, some things are just out of your control. But if they haven’t, then it’s time to take action. The time you’ve spent on R&R will have given your subconscious time to work through the issues. You’ll see them in a much different light. You can re-evaluate whether the issues are valid, whether, you’re contributing to them and what you can do different. 

Then the work begins. Don’t just think about it. Don’t make excuses. Take action based on your new perspective.