The Internet Is Ageless

You just never know what you’ll find on the internet…until you start looking.

Having arrived, and passed, what has been determined to be an acceptable retirement age and not willing to accept the status quo, I started looking around. While businesses have been less than thrilled with older workers and too many have been quick to "let go" their aging workers, a lot has been going on behind the scenes.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you’re too old to learn, and adapt, to this ever changing world of technology. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you’re too old to be productive in the work force. The internet has been breaking down all kinds of imaginary boundaries and among the leaders are an army of white haired men and women. 

According to, 3% of online Seniors blog. But that’s based on a 2005 survey. That’s ages ago…a lot changes in a year. Check out and

Technology is not just a playtoy for the kids. In the hands of Seniors, it becomes a tool for sharing wisdom. It levels the playing field in business and society.