I know full well that countless adult Americans are not old enough remember man's walk on the moon, the Vietnam War or the recession of the mid-70s. And in all too many cases, they didn't learn much about these and other event that took place less than 100 years ago. Pity! They have no idea … “Change We Can Believe In”
State of the Union First-Hand
If I had to name just one area where our president excels it would have to be use of all the tools available to him for communication. President Obama’s 2011 State of the Union will, no doubt, afford us a masterful example of this. You can see it here There’s been so much criticism of … “State of the Union First-Hand”
Evolution of the Internet
When the internet was born it promised to become the most powerful tool known to man for communication. And we saw it was good. Change happens. The Internet is not what it was. I won't even attempt to critique how this powerful tool has evolved and the uses it's been put to. It is what … “Evolution of the Internet”
Condominium Help
Managing a condominium can be – well – let’s say, it’s a challenge. But there are resources out there to help Boards of Directors to maintain their sanity. I normally don’t recommend many of those resources…some are better than others. But there’s a new resource that promises to be most helpful. Check out… The Chicagoland … “Condominium Help”
Whelp, it's done. I finally got the stress test done. It was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. Three people were in the room, one of them a doctor. He and the two gals watched me climb up on the treadmill and monitored me and the two machines positioned on either side of the … “Stress”