The President and the Congress are doing great things for the American people now. Programs that might dramatically improve your life are available. But never, never, NEVER just go out on the internet and search for programs. For every great idea or program there are countless hungry villains ready to capitalize on it and ready … “White House Initiatives – Don’t Assume!!”
Earth Hour – Let’s Do It
Earth Hour is Saturday, March 28, 2010 at 8:30 p.m. Please consider joining us. Turn off all your lights at home and at work. And consider not driving during that hour – so that even your car lights are off. Hundreds of millions of people around the world participate in this event in support of … “Earth Hour – Let’s Do It”
Crocuses Assure Us that Winter Is On Its Way Out Crocuses are hardy members of the Iris family. Look for them in areas where they can get full sun or partial shade. They like well-drained soil and are drought tolerant. Their grassy leaves will die back after the plant blooms leaving room for other flowers. … “Crocuses”
Daffodil Promises Spring
Daffodil Holds Promise of More To Come Daffodils are members of the Narcissus family originally from countries around the Mediterranean Sea. They have come to represent friendship. These are perennials that grow from bulbs that will grow and multiply prolifically. They have been known to flower anywhere from six weeks to six months, depending on … “Daffodil Promises Spring”
Anticipating Spring Gardens
They're here! The daffodils have tentatively begun to show themselves. The daylilies, irises and other spring flowers are promising a splash of dramatic color in the near future. Spring arrived today. We even had two very warm days this week with temps in the upper 60s here in the Chicago area.. If you're like me … “Anticipating Spring Gardens”