Lessons Learned March 2017

Albuquerque seems to have turned the corner. Spring is bustin’ out all over and those of us who love to dig in the dirt are itching to start planting. In the city, it looks like sheltered areas will support planting now. Of course, it’s a bit early and there’s always a chance of a frost. I have a little plot of land at my apartment that is sheltered from winds and gets a good bit of sun so I think I’m ok to get started. On the other hand, if you live on the mountain like my daughter does, you may want to wait a bit longer because there’s still frost in the mornings up there.

I’ve put in top soil and mulch for this pocket handkerchief sized personal garden here where I’m living. I’mGarden Plot getting ready to plant bush green beans and perhaps a tomato plant this weekend.  If you want to do this, I suggest you get something called Inoculate to prep the bean seeds. I’d never heard about it, but apparently, it gives the bean seeds an extra shot of energy to get started.

Meanwhile, whether you’re itching to start gardening like me or just want to enjoy the quickening of nature that has begun, take some time to enjoy.