Phoenix Hybrid Heralds Spring

Phoenix-HybridWhile we’ve been enjoying delightful weather for some time now, I wasn’t quite convinced that Spring was here to stay until we got this gorgeous tomato plant.

You have to understand that my frame of reference is Chicago and it won’t be appropriate to plant tomatoes outdoors for at least another 3-4 weeks.

Previously, in Chicago, I was able to raise outstandig crops of cherry tomatoes (yellow and red). But this is high desert so I was a little hesitant to try them this year in Albuquerque, Instead we opted for Phoenix Hybrid. Can’t wait to see how these do here. Of course, we’re experimenting by planting this in a pot. Apartments with rock landscape just aren’t as conducive to planting as we’d like. But this allows us to move the pot from the East where it gets lots of morning sun to out kitchen window which faces West. This should give the plant plenty of sunlight.

Stay tuned and we’ll keep you posted. Those who are close friends can expect to enjoy some of the bounty come July and August.