I love summer. Being one of those people who tend to have less energy when it’s dark and gloomy out, I look forward to every drop of usable sunlight. But I never quite got the reasoning behind why every Spring we’re called on to turn our clocks forward. I’m a city gal who comes from … “More Sun, you say??”
Life’s Messy: Dealing with Difficult People
Lessons from the Kitchen regarding dealing with Difficult People
Lessons from the Kitchen regarding dealing with Difficult People
It’s a very, very small world, indeed.
My daughter's trip to China is rapidly coming to an end. I'm awed by the experience she has had and the great gift she's given me. We both have enjoyed this experience beyond our wildest expectations. Who would have thought that a young lady could set off on such an adventure – and carry it … “It’s a very, very small world, indeed.”
The coolest thing about being a Mom…
I'm proud of my personal accomplishments. That's a given. But, nothing has proven more satisfying and enjoyable than being my daughter's mother. She's become the most wonderful young woman…accomplished and self-assured and successful. Once again, I'm reminded that the greatest gift a child gives a parent – besides love – is a new perspective on … “The coolest thing about being a Mom…”
Feeling A Bit Overwhelmed? A Rant.
If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed and out of touch, you're not alone. Oh, sure, we're more connected with the world around us than ever before – what with telephones, radio, TV, Internet and the newest trend of all – social media. But the more connected we get, the more disconnected we become. We have … “Feeling A Bit Overwhelmed? A Rant.”