Just Do It

If you're like most people I know, you have read more than your share of articles about setting goals and resolutions for 2010. You may even have followed the advice and made some resolutions of your own. How are you doing now that we're four days into the new year? Are you still keeping those resolutions? Or have you fallen off the wagon, already?

Old habits die hard – even with the best of intentions.

I gave up doing the new year resolutions exercise some years ago. I don't miss the roller coaster ride…you know, firm resolve, a slip, frustration ("Why CAN'T I follow through?…What's wrong with me?") and the resignation ("What the heck!? Why bother?")

So, then how do I stay on-track and motivated?

Rather than looking at the future as one huge pie-in-the-sky goal to reach, I take life in small day-by-day digestible chunks. I open my eyes in the morning with a single thought in mind…

What can I do today that will allow me to live each of these precious moments to the fullest?  Today is all that counts. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

Of course, this mind-set is guided by my inner perception of who I am and what it will take for me to use each precious moment to the fullest. It may mean just writing one simple article, or working with one client, or meeting one new prospect. It may mean focusing this day on badly needed R&R. 

And at the end of the day? I look back and ask, "Did I use this day to the fullest? Did I do the most productive thing I could with this day's resources?"

Whenever I'm confronted with long-range planning and long-term resolutions, I sigh and think, "Yes long term planning is important. But those plans need to be very tentative and subject to the ebb and flow of daily life." That allows me to enjoy a much fuller opportunity-rich life style.  It works for me…especially when I remember that at the end of the year, I'll have accomplished 365 days filled with productivity with a whole lot less angst.

No more agonizing over what will happen tomorrow or next month – I can take care of those when the time comes. And no more beating myself up for having failed to keep up with plans that invariably get tromped on by circumstances beyond my control.  It's a simple approach to live and work….

Just do it…now.